Two things about me; I am a planner and I like watching Sex and The City. I plan my year, month and day. I have a schedule for everything and an agenda for everything else. This makes the first day of each year my favorite Holiday. I get to plan the next year and set my goals. I feel hopeful and excited just thinking about making those lists!
But as I am contemplating 2012, I have to say it was not my favorite year. I had many great accomplishments and successes, but I guess it is just human nature to dwell on the “not so well done” rather than “what went well.” My thoughts are: “I should have done this” or “I should have done that.” Too often I grieve my lost career, but should be celebrating my new career.
Believe it or not, Carrie Bradshaw said something on a recent rerun (yes I always stop to watch when I am channel surfing) that hit me profoundly. “How do we separate what we could do from what we should do?” This hit me, because I make a concerted effort to focus on what I can do, not what I can’t do. So why am I “should-ing” all over myself?”
So here it is – New Year’s Resolution #1: No more should-ing all over myself!