How to Create an Easy Interior Design Plan for Your Space
Years ago in design college, a professor of mine assigned us an interesting book,How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci. During that time, I was still going through cognitive rehabilitation (due to my car accident; click here for the story behind that) and the book completely resonated with me. It is a fun little workbook on living a joyful life through thinking, planning and problem-solving.
Apparently, da Vinci carried a notebook with him at all times to jot down his ideas and observations. I too carry a notebook with me. (This is mainly because I have to organize and catalog my thoughts.)
Fun fact: da Vinci wrote his notes backwards in his journals so that they had to be held up to a mirror to be read. I don’t suggest you write backwards (hehe), but I do suggest that you get started on your Design File right away.
Why It Is Important to Create Your Design Inspiration File
When you work with us, the first thing we ask you to do is complete a questionnaire. This helps us get to know you while also helping you organize your thoughts. Many of our clients say that the Questionnaire helps them pinpoint what they are trying to accomplish with their design.
The second thing we ask you to do is create a Design Inspiration File. Creating a design “stream-of-consciousness” file lets you to gain insight and understanding into your design dilemma (in a fun way). We ask you to find photos of interiors that you like, whether you’re attracted to one element or the whole room. It may yield some nonsense and redundancy, but it will help you (and us) get closer to releasing the ideas in your head.
Tools to Create Your Design Inspiration File
You can easily surf the Houzz website to find inspirational ideas that appeal to you. You can then create an Ideabook of these images, add your comments, and share it with me / your spouse / your BFF. I suggest you collect as many inspirations that you can, then narrow them down until you have a curated collection of ideas.
Pinterest is another tool that we suggest for saving interior design ideas and images. Pin images that inspire you, including brand or vendor-specific items that you love. Think of Pinterest as a big cork board with lots of sticky notes.
You can also upload your own images. We suggest our clients create a “before” board and upload pictures of the rooms they are renovating or redecorating. This is an easy way to create a historical record of progress on your project.
If you are having trouble sorting through all the ideas in your head, you’ll love our Remodel Clarity Session (go here to learn more).
La Dolce Vita